lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Reading Comprehension

It´s time to read!!Students of 4th or 5th grade of Primary School are able to solve this activity with any problem. Teacher will give them this worksheet with the reading text in it and the activities to complete (questions and a criss-cross). Enjoy!!

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2015

Speaking Activity

This activity it´s perfect for practising english speaking, between our pupils of 5th or 6th grade of primary. Students will be in pairs and each one will have this template. They are presented in an imaginary situation stranded on a desert island. They have to choose 5 objects and discuss why they think those are the most useful or important objects to survive there.

Writing Activity

The students of 6th grade of Primary will continue the story started in this worksheet.

How are you?- Feelings

This time I create an activity for students at second grade of Primary School. They will listen to this song about feelings two times and a third one singing aloud all of them. Then, they will look for the feelings in a wordsearch worksheet, and practise writing, creating four sentences using four selected feelings.

Classifying animals

This activity is created for students at 3rd grade of Primary. Students will first see the video below about "Classifying animals". They could see twice if they want, once they do this, they are ready to answer the Jquiz activity with the information provided by the video about animals.

Hi everyone!

It´s me!!Naiara Olave!!
I am a student of UNIR University. This blog is created to post activities for teaching ESL to kids of different primary levels.
Hope you enjoy them!